The UK quattro Network
The UK's mobile Audi 5-cylinder mechanic - 07833 654800, 24x7
Specialist in turbos, quattros, electrics and non-starts

The ultimate electrical kit for 1980s Audi I5 engines.
This toolbox (actually now a bag) has been developed over 15 years to tackle electrical problems in 1980s Audi I5 cars - Audi 100/200, Coupe GT, Coupe quattro and of course the ur-quattro
Applications include restoring the WR ur-quattro's voice synthesizer warning unit and major loom repairs, e.g., after engine bay fires.
The contents, more or less from the left rear:
- Four meters:
- A fuse socket ammeter for tracking current drains (battery flatteners)
- Two Draper DMM5 meters - for 5-cylinder measurements such as tacho and dwell
- A general purpose electronics multimeter (a/c millivolts) for ABS and engine sender measurements
- Shrink-wrap equipment - four diameters of sleeving and a butane heat gun
- Soldering equipment:
- Gas-powered soldering iron
- 60/40 lead/tin solder - permitted under new regulations for the repair of old equipment
- Desoldering pump
- Desoldering wick - useful in dashboard repairs
- A selection of patching wire in many colours
- A large variety of custom debugging leads:
- About 500 butt splices, spade terminals, etc.
- A ratcheting crimper (FACOM)
- An industrial wire stripper (FACOM)
- Screwdrivers - slotted, cross-head, Torx, etc
- A selection of commonly used parts, mainly for MB/1B/MC engines
- Various adhesives, abrasives, etc.
Kerbside Motors Home Page and Contact Information
Contact Phil Payne by email or use mobile/SMS 07833 654800